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Explore Bill’s cartoons from the Sun, also see the cartoon archive section, an extensive online catalogue which contains most of Bill`s work dating back to 2001. This includes cartoons from the Daily Star, Sunday Mail, Clogger FC strip and other illustrations for various magazines. Hi folks, you may be wondering where I am. I am taking a bit of time off. In June I took part in the 2-handed AZAB race from Falmouth to the Azores and back in my boat, Growler. This is a picure of me (left) and my pal Rowly Walker when we crossed the finishing line. We came 3rd overall in class in the 2,800 mile challenge and received an award for seamanship after sailing to the aid of a fellow competitor in mid Atlantic. My next bit of skiving off will be riding my BMW F800S motorbike down through Spain and Morocco. You can still email me, bc@billcaldwell.com
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